I came to the U.S. from S. Korea when I was 11 years old. I did not speak a bit of English, but thanks to my first and favorite (to this day) fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Dearheart, I learned English pretty well. I continued my education by receiving a bachelor’s at the University of Utah in Linguistics. To make certain that I would love teaching English, I traveled and lived overseas teaching English to various age groups and levels. For the present moment, I am proud to say that I work in the Adult Ed. department at Guadalupe Center since 2013. When I am not working, I love to spend time outdoors doing various activities, entertain and be entertained by my three, crazy-cute, adopted cats (Siena, Oscar, and Felix), hanging out with friends, and reading. Oh, yeah, I also like to cook and travel.
1385 N 1200 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
(801) 531-6100
Guadalupe Center is a licensed 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Salt Lake City, Utah that exists to transform lives through education. We offer personalized academic education, life-skills learning, and wrap-around services in one place–for Salt Lake’s immigrant, refugee, and impoverished children, parents, and adult learners. For nearly six decades, we’ve been A Place to Learn, Belong, and Thrive.
Guadalupe Center is 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Tax ID 87-0299521